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Have you ever dreamed of playing Paintball the way it was played in the early 2000's, when XBALL was at its finest? Now here's your chance! We will be playing full matches with sideline coaching, crowd participation, penalty boxes and 15BPS. The bonus is you don't even need a team, We will draw from all players to make teams. Anyone can play, Beginner to Pro, we will make teams even by player experience. Kids 10 and up can play and we'll put kids lines against each other.
The fee is $90 to play, entry includes an Event Jersey and Jimmy Dog lunch.
Custom Paintballs for $40 a case and Evil $50
This Event is for fun but we will be giving medals for the winning team at each event and rings at the finale!
Here's How to Register
Fill out the form below, you can register up to 5 players, Choose date of XBall Event, Choose first available time. If paying for more than 1 player, put the names and ranking of additional players in the comments section.
Preorder cases of Paintballs also available.
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